Iran - 1997
Directed by Majid Majidi
Winner of the Montreal World Film Festival Grand Prix of the Americas Award and the Air Canada People's Award, CHILDREN OF HEAVEN is a sensitive, memorable film
In short i wanna discribe you this movie:
There was one poor family. I thnk it was in Irak. So, as this was poor family, there were 2 children Ali and her sister.Once upon a time Ali takes his little sister Zahra's shoes to the shoemaker to repaire, but lost it somewhere after this. The siblings decided to keep that as a secret from their parents, knowing that there is no money to buy a new shoes. After that ali decide to take a part in running competition to get new shoes for her lovely sister. Than he won the first place, but he was dissapointed and sad because her sister does not need the first place present, whisc was sport set... She just needs shoes... But Ali didn`t know that at this time his father already went ti buy o her sister a new shoes)))
So, this is such a so hearttouching story...I think that when women will see that movie they can cry...and some men also...
Why our madam choose this movie? Perhaps, she wanted to show us, how other people lived in the past. Even nowadays, some people are living in a such (bad) situation... So, i hope all my classmates will think intellegently and will thanks GOD, that HE gave us an opportunity to live in perfect situation, like nowadays)))
Thank you)
(Edited 9 February 2009 3:30PM)
Good...4/5 gratias
edited 3/5
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