There are a lot of people all over the world. How do we communicate with each others? With language... So, how do you think, when people speak, what they are doing? They also share with information with others...) So, what I want to say is that information is very important for humans life nowadays. The needed of this kind of information increase rapidly because of the force of the technology that make people able to manage and complete their task easily...
- To influence others
- To find ideas to invent an idea
- Reduces uncertainty
- to have information treated as a commodity
Information system is using by people without counting on the age and job... There are alot of examples: 50 years old Lawer reads clever big book aboutx rules in government or anythink else...And a little child which looking for pictures in the book... They are the same in one thing, they are trying to get some information.
Also, one example more. I am student from Russia and I`m studying here in CFS. When I came here I used system information like, booking online TAXI from airport and buying the ticket. Also I`m using information system to study well. To live good and to surviveI need scolarship from my sponsor, it means that I also use information system like checking bank account, my ballance and so on...
To know the last knews from my counrty or about world I use information system. It makes our life so easy! Information system nowadays give a big impact in human life to perform a better work for better lifestyle!
Also, one more thing: why it is important? Because GOD said us to seek for the knowledge. Who doesn`t do this he gets HARAM. Information system helps us to get more knowledge ===> means, to be more near to PARADISE, InsyaALLAH!) here we go...
(EDITED 9 february 2009 3:30PM)
I like the example that you put in your post...4.5/5...gratias
edited 4/5
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